Guardian Angel - The Book Cover (Pt.2)
I'm back on the blog trail with news of my work shortly going to print as a book cover. Regular readers of my blog page will be aware that I was recently approached by Dr Laura Mazzoli Smith of Warwick University, regarding the possibility of reproducing one of my images on a book project that she had undertaken with Professor Jim Campbell (see original blog reference here). Together they had written case studies in the construction of high achievement - Families, Education & Giftedness. My 'Guardian Angel' image was one that had caught their attention and immediately fitted the profile of what they wanted on the front cover of their book. Of course I was very happy to help, so we agreed terms and I forwarded the image for reproduction. This was in turn forwarded to their chosen publisher, Sense, who this week completed the proofs and emailed them to me before going to print. Once published I will receive a hard copy of the book, which will contain a credit of the photographer. A couple of hours after receiving the proofs via email (PDF) I received another Image Licence enquiry from an author of horror novels - more news on that one very soon!
Meantime, here is a screen shot of the 'Guardian Angel' cover - click to enlarge.
Back soon, Ash