Saturday 10 April 2010

The Daffodil Story

As readers of my blog will probably know by now, I occasionally e-mail a selection of my photographs to Tyne Tees Television, as they encourage viewers to contribute towards their weather bulletins with suitable photo's. I've been lucky enough to have had quite a few of mine shown on their evening bulletins, with 'Staithes Daffodils' being my sixth in total so far. The whole episode recently took on a bit of a twist recently and it's now time to enlighten YOU, the readers of my blog...

As Spring arrived, Philippa Thomson, Weather Presenter on Tyne Tees Television, appealed to the viewers for daffodil photographs. Well, the daffs weren't out in Houghton yet so I had nothing to send. I decided to submit one that I took LAST YEAR, just to get the ball rolling with the daffs on the weather slot. I had a feeling that Pip (Philippa) would have guessed my photo wasn't taken taken this year as the daffs weren't out yet due to the bad winter we'd had, which knocked back the arrival of the flowers for a few weeks. Did she guess? Well, play the clip below and find out...

Yes, the game was up, my little joke was out in the open, he he. Anyway, as the daffodils started to appear, people were sending in their photographs and Pip then had a playful dig in my ribs. Oh the next clip and all will be revealed...

Aye, I nearly choked on me Nescafe when I was watching the programme 'Live'. But hey, the story doesn't end there. I decided to prolong the fun a little while longer as I had a daft idea which I couldn't resist putting into practise. Obviously by now there was a doubt about when my daffodil photo was taken - was it 2010 or 2009? Of course it was 2009, he he he. So I decided to photograph a vase full of daffs that we had on our dining room table and then send the photo to Pip, with todays date on the actual photo as proof it wasn't taken LAST YEAR, he he. This was what happened next...

The very next night my original daffodil photo was shown again but there was nowt said this time...

I couldn't help but laugh. LOL ! And th, th, th, the...that's all folks! Ash